We are putting a new spin on artVenture across the state this year and we think you are going to LOVE it! Groups of Girl Scouts will work with a local artist (or an “artsy” adult volunteer) to create a piece of art that will be donated and displayed at one of our Girl Scout camps throughout the summer for visitors to explore as part of a statewide I Spy Art Challenge! Here is how YOU can participate.
Step 1: Form a collaboration team and ask a local artist (or “artsy” adult volunteer) to guide your project. Don’t know someone artsy? Try asking friends, family, and those in your community for recommendations. Think outside the box and consider contacting graphic designers, art educators, librarians, etc. If you need help finding an artist, you can contact your local program specialist. They may know some artists willing to collaborate.
Alisha Epp – Camp Cosmo aepp@girlscoutsnebraska.org
Erin Finken – Camp Catron efinken@girlscoutsnebraska.org
Hailey Thiem – Camp Maha hthiem@girlscoutsnebraska.org
Kat Tedder – Lakeview Cabin and Hidden Oaks ktedder@girlscoutsnebraska.org
Susan Nickels – Camp Crossed Arrows snickels@girlscoutsnebraska.org
Cecily Lawton – Hilltop House clawton@girlscoutsnebraska.org
Step 2: Decide on a theme for your art piece. It can be nature, science, camp activities, Girl Scout symbols, signs, traditions, badges, etc. Make sure you include a trefoil in your design.
Step 3: Submit your artVenture 2022 “I Spy” Edition registration by December 31, 2021. Here is the information you will need to have to complete your collaboration team’s registration:
o Register as one collaboration team to include the number of girls participating
o Chosen camp location (Girls may choose any one of the six camps and Hilltop House)
o Identify one adult point of contact for communication from the council.
o Provide the name, phone number, and address of your artist.
o Detail a brief description of the proposed artwork to include medium, size, how the item will be displayed, and preferred location at camp. (Final location will be determined by council staff to ensure the preservation of the artwork and safety of camp attendees.)
Step 4: Council staff will review the proposed artwork and communicate with your designated adult contact. Please wait to begin your piece until the staff member has sent the confirmation email, usually within one week of submission.
Step 5: Meet as a group to complete the artwork. Be sure to make it display ready including any hardware needed to place the piece. For example, if it is to be staked to the ground along a camp trail, make sure the stake is attached and it is ready to be placed. If it is to be hung from a tree, make sure it is wired and ready to hang.
Step 6: Once the artwork is complete, contact the program specialist at the camp you have chosen to plan for delivery and installation. Once a date (varies by location) is decided upon, deliver and help install the completed artwork along with the artwork details form.
• Collaborations must involve at least four Girl Scouts and one collaborating artist. *
• Collaborative artwork must include a trefoil in the design.
• Artwork must be able to withstand the elements as it will be displayed outdoors during the summer.**
• Artwork is limited to weighing 10 pounds and can be no larger than 18” X 24”.
• Collaborating artist may charge no more than $20 per girl for supplies.
• Artwork must be appropriate and should conform to the values and principles of Girl Scouts Spirit of Nebraska.
• October, 2021 Registration Opens Online
• January-March 2022 Collaboration Work Takes Place
• April 1, 2022 Deadline to Submit Artwork
• June 1, 2022-August 31, 2022 Art Display Dates
Register by: Wednesday, December 31, 2021
Girl Cost: $5***, includes patch
*This is in addition to the required volunteer-to-girl supervision ratio that must also be met.
**A small number of pieces may be able to be displayed inside camp buildings, but these should be limited to art forms that cannot be weather-proofed. Please check before proceeding.
***Additionally, artists may charge each girl up to $20 for project supplies; this will vary by project and is to be worked out between the artist and the collaboration team.